Monday, November 5, 2007

blessed are the poor in spirit...

...for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

so i started looking at the beatitudes today and i'm coming to the conclusion that the people who he talks about here are the people who make up the kingdom of heaven. the poor, the mourning, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and the persecuted are all people who make up the kingdom.

so to start with the poor in spirit, these are people who have left everything to follow after Jesus right? they are the people who have given up good paying jobs, secure neighborhoods, families, educations and more. and why have they left all these things? the call of Jesus.

Christ calls us to leave our nets, leave what we know and what is comfortable, to follow after Him.

so i have that knowledge, but i have very little idea of what that practically looks like in my life.

i've given thought to not doing architecture when i graduate, leaving behind prospects of a good paying job, moving to the inner city and giving up living in a secure suburban neighborhood.

but all this stuff is things that i would do after i graduate. i still have a year and a half till then, so am i supposed to just sit on my hands till then? what does it look like to live a sacrificial life in college? Where am i being called to give up things for the sake of following Christ?


that girl said...

Yeahhh, about that college thing. I also always think in "one days."

I haven't found many ways out of the I'm too busy for anything but myself in college track, and I think one day, I'll have more time to give to God's kingdom. Yeah, right.

The time is now to be the change. But how do this NOW is pretty perplexing (there are indeed limiting factors, like colleges that are in their own bubble) But God does give us holy discontents for a reason, and keep praying and I know God will show you something particular to get on fire about.

And remember to relish that time God gives you to wait on it.

Thanks for another great post, brotha.

Marshall Benbow said...

Yes, just sit on your hands. I think that was the last thing I told you all at GUPY, that the things we learned there were to be applied ONLY after you graduate. ;)

Seriously, I am so glad that you are asking these questions. I agree with the person who posted first, that this discontent is the Lord, and as you seek Him, He will show you where to go and how to act. At least you have the 3 R's to serve a guidelines/starting points to think through.

An interesting study to do would be to compare the beatitudes in Matthew vs Luke.

Jeremy said...

yea, it just is so easy to get caught up in all your personal responsibilities that you don't take time to think of others around you. I think God's definitely been trying to show me something lately, since i've been bombarded with stuff about the poor from a lot of different directions. so i'm excited to see what God has for me, but i think it's just that discontent that i'm not able to do anything right this moment. i think it's also about waiting for God to present you with situations, [and going out and pursuing those situations] so i'm sure i'll be talking about this again sometime soon.